Circus Truzzi
- ID: 2146
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1905-1914
The photo shows the building of the old Theatre. Opened in 1878, it was the first proper stationary stage building in town. Until then, performances took place in all kind of halls, in hotels or restaurants. The theatre was designed by architect Josef Gregor in the style of a French Palatial Theatre, mostly made out of wood. It was built on the corner of Schulgasse and Türkengasse (vul. Schkilna and Turecka) and had seats for 547 persons. The building was used for its purpose until 1905 when a new theatre building was opened on Theater Square. It then served as a cinema and later as Arbeiterheim (worker’s home) for the jewish, leftist organisation BUND. In 1935 the building was torn down and replaced by the Romanian Social Insurance Office (Palatul Asigurarilor Sociale). <br /><br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>