Market on Theatre Square
- ID: 2422
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1908
The photo shows the junction of Enzenberg Hauptstrasse (left, Str. Reg. Ferdinand, today vul. Holovna) and Judengasse (right, Str. Evreisca, today vul. Scholom Aleichema). In 1880 the street was named after Karl von Enzenberg, head of the military administration of the Bukowina from 1778 to 1786. Before that it was called Lemberger Strasse, being part of the oldest and most important road in the Bukowina, the so called “Reichsstraße” (Imperial Road) coming from Lviv (Lemberg) in the north, going towards the southern Bukowina to Suceava (Suczawa) and from there westwards ascross the Carpathian mountains into Siebenbürgen (Transylvania). Judengasse is leading downhill into the oldest part of Chernivtsi, known as Untere Stadt (lower part of town) or Judenstadt (jewish district) which was inhabited mainly by poor and religious Jews, without ever being formally a Ghetto before Second World War. The large appartment building in the center was called Schiffhaus (ship’s house) because of its shape. <br />
On the left edge of the photo the Catholic Church can be seen. In front of it a car of the tramway line number 1 circulating between the Volksgarten railway station and the river Pruth.<br />
The photo shows the funeral of Dr.Eduard Reiss, mayor of Chernivtsi from 1905-1907, on 30.04.1907.<br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>