Studio photo of a woman with two children
- ID: 48167
- Place: Krasnyi Lutch
- Date: 1953
“It’s a picture of Maria Terentiivna Kulchytska (née Yurkovska), my grandfather Anton's sister. She was born in a Polish catholic family around 1898. Her father was a railroad man and married Eleonora, a Polish woman from Kyiv. After graduating from high school, Marusia married Pavlo Ivanovych Kulchytskyi, who joined Petliura's army with my grandfather Anton. Under Soviet rule he was sent in Gulag labor camps for anti-Soviet statements. Marusya, his wife, and her son Edward were supported by their grandfather's family because she had no right to work, she was a "lyshenka" (person deprived of certain civil rights).”
Comment by Alla Yurkovska
This photo is contributed by Alla Yurkovska.