KNEU students on a break between classes
- ID: 48155
- Place: Kyiv
- Date: 1995
"It’s a picture of my father Viktor Makarovich Kornienko on a package tour given him in his place of work - Artem factory. Many of my relatives were working in this factory. Their joint work record was 111 years. It was common politics to bring some clothes to the factory where workers could buy them. My father was a ‘fabric’s public face’ so to speak, so he always got imported clothes.
He bought his clothes in Baltic republics. His coat is from East Germany. A hat like on him you could buy in any store. There were usually hats of only three colors and styles but nevertheless you could buy them. There was always an abundance of grey, beige and brown ones and always a shortage of black ones. My dad also had a plaid tyrolean hat”.
Comment by Tetyana Vakulenko.
This photo is contributed by Tetyana Vakulenko.