Main altar of the Lathin cathedral
- ID: 94
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1906
<p>The picture shows a display of the famous sweets, chocolates and fruit desserts by Jan Höflinger at Country Goods Fair, which took place in the Arts Palace in Powystawowa Sq. in the Stryi Park in 1908. Höflinger’s factory was active in 1891-1939 and was widely popular, while its owner enjoyed a well-established reputation in the professional environment; for many years Jan Höflinger was Head of the Corporation of Sugar Producers. After Jan Höflinger’s death in 1903 the factory was headed by his son Tadeusz. It is possible that precisely Tadeusz Höflinger can be seen in the photograph by the display of the factory’s produce. To the left of the chocolate Austrian Coat of Arms a chocolate bas-relief of poet Adam Mickiewicz can be seen on the display, doubtless one of the bas-reliefs Jan Höflinger’s company produced in 1904 for the day of the festive opening of Mickiewicz’s monument in the city. </p>