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Collection: Stories of Quarantine

Oral stories

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The category of “Relations” encompasses the participants’ reflections on the changes in relationships on all the levels – whether with partners, family, relatives, and friends, and, also, with their own selves and bodies – in times of pandemic. The quotes identify the lack of usual body experiences and rituals, direct communication, manifestations of affection and support. They illustrate the peoples’ understanding of certain conventions and the need to rediscover them in times of quarantine. Also, the quotes depict the spectrum of emotions – from irritation to joy, which appear due to the necessity (and the opportunity) to be constantly together in the limited space; from the lack of communication to attempts to make up for this lack; from conflicts to trust-building. For some, quarantine emphasized the unnoticed problems in a relationship, so that they found an opportunity to change something.
Stories of Quarantine
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