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Enzyme employee, born 1954

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

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Interview with a man born in the village Lysynychi near Lviv. In 1971, he went to work for Electron as an assembler of radio equipment on the assembly line. A few months later, he was drafted into the army. He returned in 1974 and worked there until 1975. From 1975 to 1978, he worked on the Mikroprylad as a radio controller. He told about the work at the Mikroprylad plant. From 1982, he worked at Enzyme. He came to his father's position. He worked as an operator for the cultivation of pure yeast culture (later the position was renamed to the operator of the yeast nursery section). He worked there until early 2021. The man said that when he came to the plant, there were terrible unsanitary conditions, machinery and equipment were in poor condition. Later, production was modernized and improved. He talks about the transformations that have taken place since the early 1990's and how the plant improved production. He told about how in the 1980's workers "took away" products from the plant.
The recording was made in Lysynychi near Lviv. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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