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Progres employee, born 1948

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

Oral stories

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Interview with a woman born in Lviv. The woman told in detail about her childhood at Osmomysla Square. Since 1981, she worked in the reception clinic at Lemkivska Str., in Lviv. She said she remembered how it was built. She worked there in the so-called shop service that serviced Lviv-based enterprises. She mentioned that most often she had to serve the Glass Factory and the Progres. The woman told about the accidents at the Glassworks, as well as about the people who worked there. Since the early 1990's, when the shop service in the Polyclinic was liquidated, she moved to work at the Progres Medical Center, where she still works today. The woman remembers how the medical center at the Progres was disbanded, and how production was reduced. She told about the injuries she faced while working at the Progres.
 The recording was made at the Progress factory, at Zhovkivska str., 30. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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