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Miasokombinat employee, born 1966

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

Oral stories

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Interview with a woman born in the village of Bitlya, Turka district. She came to Lviv after finishing the 10th grade of school. In 1984, she started working at the Meat Factory, in the shop, in the intestine processing section. At first, she had a year of study at workplace; she also studied at the technical school; after that, she worked as a sausage casing maker. The woman described in detail the process of work in the shop, and the hard work. She understood each part of the work in the shop and told in detail who did what and how. She said that she loved her job very much, although there were "inhuman conditions". The narrator mentioned a very friendly team but she also talked about the collisions among the women in the shop. The woman highlighted the harmful working conditions: hands in the water, rubber boots and gloves, ammonia acid, because of which she now has damaged mucous membranes. She described the thefts in a particularly picturesque way, saying that she and her colleagues carried out up to 10 kg of meat every day. She was very active, she organized and participated in various sports competitions.
The recording was made at Donetska Street in Lviv. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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