St. Nepomuk Monument
- ID: 335
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1860-1870
Between the modern Krushelnytskoyi, Lystopadovoho Chynu and Mateyka streets opposite the University Ivan Franko park, the oldest park in Lviv is situated (former names: Jesuit park, Tadeusz Kosciuszka park). Wasn't found the "Sofijivskyi Park" title which could be seen on the Lviv map of 1870 (Artariya Publish House). Johann Hecht since the end of the XIX century owned the territory, where now is situated and later had been built the building of Galytskyi Seim (Parliament). In 1855 the park became the property of the city and its decoration carried out by a famous city gardener Bauer began. At the end of the 19<sup>th</sup> century the restaurant shown in the picture was built.