Former Catholic Orphanage
- ID: 1574
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: Interwar Years (1918-1939)
The postcard shows the Heiligenkreuzplatz and the upper part of Enzenberg Hauptstrasse. The square is named after the cross (left side of postcard), errected in 1831 after a wooden chapel, which served as Catholic church until the opening of the new church in 1814, was demolished. The monument disappeared after 1944. The square became a kind of main square of the city in the early years of the Austrian rule. Here the first brick buildings were built and the first ensemble of Austrian architecture was created. Only at the beginning of the 19th c. the city grew uphill and the Ringplatz became main square. In 1880 the street was named after Karl von Enzenberg, head of the military administration of the Bukowina from 1778 to 1786. Before that it was called Lemberger Strasse, being part of the oldest and most important road in the Bukowina, the so called “Reichsstraße” (Imperial Road) coming from Lviv (Lemberg) in the north, going towards the southern Bukowina to Suceava (Suczawa) and from there westwards ascross the Carpathian mountains into Siebenbürgen (Transylvania). The residence of the military govenor was the first stone house in Chernivtsi, erected in 1780. It was known as Generalshaus and can be seen on the left side of the postcard. Opposite of it, on the right side of the postcard, stands the Militärkasino (Officers Casino), built in 1782 as Colonel’s House but rebuilt after fires in the second half of the 19th c. In the background the Ringplatz (Central Square) with the Town Hall can be seen. Today this is part of Holovna Street, before it was named after the Romanian king Ferdinand and Lenin. <br /><i>Helmut Kusdat</i>