- ID: 1536
<p>The four-year <i>Gymnasium</i> (school) in Brody was founded in 1865 on the basis of the earlier <i>Realschule</i>. In 1875, the four-year <i>Gymnasium</i> was turned into the higher level, eight year Crownprince Rudolph <i>Gymnasium</i>. Initially the new educational institution was located in the premises of the former <i>Realschule</i> (today’s building of the central district library in 3, Maidan Svobody (“Liberty Square”)). The ceremonious laying of the cornerstone for the new building of the <i>Gymnasium</i> took place on May 10, 1881, and instruction in the new building began on September 4, 1883. The picture shows the building of the Brody <i>Gymnasium</i> before 1914. In the years of the First World War the building was used as military casernes and hospital. In the interwar years (1920-1939) the building was home to the Józef Korzeniowski Polish State <i>Gymnasium</i>, and after the arrival of the Bolsheviks in 1939, it housed the Middle School No. 5 with instruction in Ukrainian. In the years of the Second World War the building housed German military casernes. In 1946 the building of the former <i>Gymnasium</i> was given to Middle School No. 1. The <i>Gymnasium</i> was reinstated in 1997, and from 1999 onwards it carries the name of its former graduate, famous Ukrainian artist Ivan Trush (1869-1941). Many renowned names are connected with the Brody <i>Gymnasium</i>: artists Ivan Trush and Mykola Fediuk, Ukrainian Galician Army (UHA in its Ukrainian acronym) General Myron Tarnavskyi, ethnographer Osyp Rozdolskyi, Rev. Yosyp Zastyrets, PhD, Austrian writer Joseph Roth, Academician Vasyl Schurat, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (<i>UPA</i>) ideologue Petro Fedun-Poltava, and many others, were once students.<br /><em>Vasyl Strilchuk</em></p>