- ID: 1488
- Place: Dolyna
<p>Skurna Street is one of the streets passing through the main construction of Rynok [Market] Square. This street originally held rows of leather-shops. Buildings of the eastern side of the Rynok square (no longer extant today) can be seen through the arch of the two-storied building that had stood in the western section of the market block before World War Two. Peasant women selling their goods can be seen in the foreground. To the left is a Polish policeman. Skórna Street, like most of the construction in the central part of the Rynok square, was destroyed during the Second World War. After the postwar renovation of the city, a large empty space rose up here, and the square was renamed Bohdana Khmelnytskoho. In 1991 the square was returned its historic name, Rynok Square.<br /><em>Vasyl Strilchuk</em></p>