Corner between Soborna Square and Chervonoarmijska Street
- ID: 2438
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1910
The photo shows the northern section of the Ringplatz (Piata Unirii, Central Square) and the junction with Enzenberg Hauptstrasse (Str. Reg.Ferdinand, Holovna). Down the street, the tower of the Roman Catholic church can be seen. <br />The houses on the northern side of the Ringplatz were all one storied and belonged to the “first generation” of stone buildings, dating back to the first half of the 19th c. <br />The houses to the left had shops on the ground floor (among them the studio of the famous photographer Leon König) and were destroyed during the Second World War. They have never been replaced by new buildings. The building on the right corner was the Hotel Paris. The hous remains unchanged until today. As the photo does not show tram tracks, it must have been taken beforen 1897. <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>