Market on Central Square
- ID: 2426
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1905-1914
The photo shows Holovna Street (main street), which was first known as Lemberger Strasse (Lviv Street). It was part of the oldest and most important road in the Bukowina, the so called “Reichsstraße” (Imperial Road) coming from Lviv (Lemberg) in the north, going towards the southern Bukowina to Suceava (Suczawa) and from there westwards ascross the Carpathian mountains into Siebenbürgen (Transylvania). Later it was named Bahnhofsstrasse, after the main train station it is passing. In the time between the wars the street had several names. The section shown on the photo was called Strada Bratianu. <br />
The building shown on the photo is the Bierbrauerei Steiner, a brewery owned by the Steiner family. It existed already around 1900. <br />
The public bus looks like one of the Fiat 622 buses bought in 1933. <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>