- ID: 2417
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1905
The photo shows the Monument for the Unification of the Bukowina with Romania (Monumentul Unirei, Vereinigungsdenkmal) on the Central Square in Chernivtsi. The monument was designed by the Architect B. Stefanescu and made by the sculptors T. Burca and S. Gheorghescu. It was unveiled in November 1924 and was meant to celebrate the “unification of the Bukowina with Romania” in 1918. <br />
The front of the monument, to be seen on the photo, shows a soldier and a local kissing the Romanian flag. On the back a Moldavian bull was stepping on the Austrian double headed eagle... <br />
In 1951 the last part of the monument was removed by the Soviet power. <br />
In the background the Anglo International Bank and, on the left edge, the Romanian National House. <br /><br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>